Hello there 👋
My name’s Zane Rau
I’m an engineer and game developer.
In 2017, I graduated from UC San Diego, obtaining my Bachelor's Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Since then, I've worked on R&D, software engineering, and cloud engineering/DevOps roles within the telecommunications field. I have experience with research, web/API development and database languages/technologies and developing tools that integrate them together. You can call me a full-stack developer and researcher.
I enjoy building web services,
bots, and automated tools.
I have a background in the
telecom industry and have been working in it for the past 8 years.
In October of 2023 I started plublishing games under the alias Mocha Moose Games with my wife. If you’re looking for
the games I’ve developed, you can check them out here.
I also love creating chip-tune music and go under the online name Arzulo.
- Email: zanemrau@gmail.com
- Twitter / X: @arzulodev
- GitHub: arzulo
- LinkedIn: Zane Rau
- SoundCloud: Arzulo
- Game Dev: Mocha Moose Games Website